Rewarding achievements

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Rewarding achievements

#1 Postby Dobbo » Thu Dec 11, 2014 9:20 am

I have been shooting seriously for 18mths now and have to admit I am addicted.
The help received from all shooters both TR, F class and this forum has ensured an enjoyable (lol) entry to OPM's and Queens competitions.
I have been fortunate to win some range medals/prizes and this certainly encourages me to try harder, and learn more from the gurus.
At the Canberra Queens recently I was shooting on the same detail as a newcomer and he managed to place second on a range.
He was extremely pleased (his first ever placing) to have such a result amongst the high calibre of shooters present.
The presentation of a plain white envelope with $15 in it was such a disappointment to him as he had nothing to show his mates etc.
I saw the same reaction from a young TR shooter who had placed as well.
Prizes were only given for 1st place and these were engraved Canberra Rifle club glasses (nothing about the queens on them)

I have attended both the QLD and NSW Queens and various OPM,s and range medals were given out for 1st, 2nd and third. I believe it is essential to ENCOURAGE the shooters and believe most would like some memento of their achievement. A cloth or plastic badge would be better than a plain envelope.
All shooters pay a considerable cost both in entry fees and travel and accommodation to attend these events and I believe 1st,2nd and 3rd should be recognised (dependant on numbers) with a medal or badge.

I know that those of you that have draws full of medals probably don't care as much but new comers get a kick out of receiving a gong and am sure it encourages future participation in competitions and spreading the word about our sport.
Dave Dobson

mike H
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Re: Rewarding achievements

#2 Postby mike H » Thu Dec 11, 2014 9:59 am

Obviously you didn't shoot FTR at the Sydney Queen's.

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Re: Rewarding achievements

#3 Postby johnk » Thu Dec 11, 2014 10:19 am


One of the major issues is cost. With economy of scale & the supplier a shooter, QRA can get medals prices down, but recently the Queensland Match Rifle Association looked at having a medal struck with a run of 60, which would cover us for 3-4 years with a couple of spares & the quote from that same considerate supplier was $17.61 per & another six bucks if we wanted a presentation case.

Shoot a one day prize shoot with three ranges, 6 divisions (A, B, C, FO, FS & F/TR) & you're up for $300 odd bucks to cover 18 medals for first place only, another $50 if you have two Standard divisions planned. Go to 2 in each & you're over $700.

Sure you can get off the shelf gongs with a generic plastic centre at a somewhat lower cost, but how long will they hold memories? Patches aren't much different, once you personalise with range & grade details - QMRA's championship patches which are somewhat larger are around $25 each.

Brisbane MDRA once made modest awards by epoxying association badges to a base made by sawing a tree branch of the right diameter at an angle for the badge & a flat base, but that was a whimsical circumstance.


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Re: Rewarding achievements

#4 Postby AlanF » Thu Dec 11, 2014 11:02 am


Congrats on your rapid improvement and recent successes. And I believe you have me to thank for recommending a certain Sydney gunsmith who is enjoying a lot of success. :D

Regarding range medals, at Queens level, where field sizes are large, and shooters are charged approximately $50 per day, I think range medals for the first 3 placings should be maintained, for all the reasons you mention. Most do I think? However, at club level prize meetings, particularly where field sizes are small, and entry is around $30 per day, as John says, the cost of 1st place range medals alone is significant. In our case, we would have to add about $10 to the daily entry fee to afford 2nd and 3rd place medals. It is something we could ask the customers (competitors) I suppose, but my gut feeling is that the majority at our 2 day OPM would prefer to keep the $20. One way of paying for it would be to reduce the value of monetary and merchandise trophies. Personally, I would favour that, as long as the savings were used for more/better medals and badges.


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Re: Rewarding achievements

#5 Postby higginsdj » Thu Dec 11, 2014 11:37 am

I agree with the sentiment and would be quite happy to get rid of all prize and just take awards (and thus reduce the cost to the entrant) but I think there would be a huge backlash.

Its a balancing act. Not everyone got prize either. For example, if a discipline has 10 entrants (say TRC) then all prize and awards are paid for and competed for by just those 10 entrants and should not be subsidised by say TRA with 110 entrants (there are still only top 3 awards in TRA for range and daily aggs). These are prize meets so the award and prize is going to be soley based on your disciplines entry into the event. The overheads/shooter are going to be exactly the same as every other shooter so the shooters in well populated disciplines are always going to do better when it comes to prize and awards.

Now when it comes to sponsored prizes (ie the new barrel Canberra offered for every discipline and grade) - thats a different matter - it's not paid for by entry fees.

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Re: Rewarding achievements

#6 Postby Dobbo » Thu Dec 11, 2014 3:10 pm

AlanF wrote:Dave,

Congrats on your rapid improvement and recent successes. And I believe you have me to thank for recommending a certain Sydney gunsmith who is enjoying a lot of success. :D

Regarding range medals, at Queens level, where field sizes are large, and shooters are charged approximately $50 per day, I think range medals for the first 3 placings should be maintained, for all the reasons you mention. Most do I think? However, at club level prize meetings, particularly where field sizes are small, and entry is around $30 per day, as John says, the cost of 1st place range medals alone is significant. In our case, we would have to add about $10 to the daily entry fee to afford 2nd and 3rd place medals. It is something we could ask the customers (competitors) I suppose, but my gut feeling is that the majority at our 2 day OPM would prefer to keep the $20. One way of paying for it would be to reduce the value of monetary and merchandise trophies. Personally, I would favour that, as long as the savings were used for more/better medals and badges.


Thanks Alan I certainly owe you a beverage or 2 for the introduction into the sport and the recommendation of Matt P who is building great rifles and has certainly helped me improve. (I am sure he is leading the constructors championship) :lol:
I agree that queens events should have medals for all ranges, the money should be there? and I for 1 would happily forfeit all/some of the prize money to assist in this.
As far as the OPM's while I appreciate that cost is prohibitive for medals, I suppose the point I was trying to get across is that some recognition for being 1st and second losers would encourage the newer shooters instead of having to beat some of the best in the world before they get anything for the cabinet.

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