First Timer in F-Class and shooting a Rifle!

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First Timer in F-Class and shooting a Rifle!

#1 Postby Eicharsto » Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:44 pm

At the OLD age of 38 having been involved with high end IT and million dollar systems, I decided it was time to push myself out of my comfort zone and try something new.

Always been a fan of things that go BOOM, Guns seemed to be a good way to go, in reality I was always impressed with the concept of Snipers hence the interest in the Rifle side of things.

Checking the web, all I could find was the web site for QRA so gave them a call and enquired. They said that someone from one of their clubs would make contact within a couple of days...I was excited.

Problem is, no one did call. Being a stubborn git I sulked and didnt chase them up.

I then took a drive up to the Range in Brisbane, and nervously entered the complex without a clue of what to expect...Rednecks with Guns...chewing tobacco...Aussie flags draped everywhere...staring and growling at my expensive fast car...what was I doing?

But no!! I went into the main QRA office and was greeted by a normal person who was so helpful I actually felt embarrased on how I had built an image in my head of what they would be like...see above. :oops:

They informed me I should do a safety course if really interested, but before that simply come down on a Saturday and talk to one of the clubs.

Brilliant. I left there with a spring in my step.

Decided to book my self into a safety course anyway, so chose the Pistol Club course which covers A & B & H class.

Best 8 hours I have had in a long time! Loved every minute and not one Redneck or Hick to be seen. Apologies for redneck and Hick statements, but most people do think only rednecks enjoy target practise.

I have since enrolled in a Rifle club, and must admit that at the start I thought I would turn up, people would growl and pay me no attention and I would be simply a new member by club number only.

Not at all, I am happy to say. I turned up on the Saturday just to watch as i have no license yet (in the process) and they made me feel so welcome I was stunned. They asked me if I wanted to have a shoot but as I dont have a license or Rifle I couldnt.

Not a problem thay said, sign this discalimer and you can use the Club Rifle as long as I purchase the ammo, which i did.

They then proceeded to coach me on how to go prone, how to sight, basic breathing..etc

I think collectively the guys in the club have a thousand years combined experiance between them :wink: but unlike younger blokes really dont mind sharing it with me.

So far, so good i am really impressed with the level of help and advice the clubs affords me, and they dont mind loaning the club rifle until I can purchase my own.

I am glad I pushed myself, and have to admit was blown away by the normality of "The Gun Toting Rednecks" and wish to apologise to others out there that I have mistakenly judged.

So from the suit wearing, sports car driving, million dollar software selling miserable Techspert, I thank you for treating me like a regular Joe and allowing me into your excellent sport.


PS I am not miserable anymore! I cant wait for Saturdays now, simply so I can get away from everything and focus on hitting a Super V!

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#2 Postby AlanF » Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:39 pm


Thanks for the positive feedback to our sport. Good to hear that you've got off to a good start at Belmont, and credit to them too. I'd venture to say that most ranges try to be as welcoming as what you've found there. Its surprising how many shooters have IT backgrounds actually. I spent my last 10 years prior to retirement in computer support, and regularly bump into shooters with various IT occupations.

You've done the right thing by going to a range - take your time before spending too much on gear - you'll get various opinions on what to get - usually best to take the middle path on that advice. Feel free to ask questions on these forums. Occasionaly someone will give questionable advice, but others are pretty quick to correct them.

Have a great shooting career! \:D/


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#3 Postby CodeBasher » Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:26 pm

Names Ernst I'm with the Albert District Club who also shoot al Belmont on Saturdays. Welcome aboard! I started 6 months ago and though I can't get there every week I have a great time nonetheless. The old codgers in my crew (and I'm young at 46!!!) have a truly evil sense of humour :D

Out of curiosity What club did you join?

Anyhow I'd love to compare notes as a fellow noobie. I'll be there on the 19th for sure so keep an eye open for a late 40's bloke with red polo shirt and mid-brown long cargo pants (pockets on the legs)

You're more than welcome to give the new Barnard a run for a few strings as being exposed to different rifles and stocks will assist with that all important first purchase. Especially in terms of developing your likes and dislikes.


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#4 Postby actionclear » Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:43 pm

Eicharsto your post made me smile.

I am so glad they keep those rednecks hidden from you for your first visit.


Just wait until you attend your first prize meeting, and all these other "normal" looking people show up. :lol:

I find the response I get from people when I tell them I shoot is quite amusing. (I am female) Usually they take a step backwards. As if I have suddenly grown an extra head right before their eyes.

I usually make them relax, by telling them i left my rifle in the car.LOL

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#5 Postby Eicharsto » Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:20 am

Hi Ernst,

I joined the Brisbane Rifle Club, great bunch of guys and gals. I will look out for you on the 19th.

Actionclear - I know what you mean - a friend of a friend mentioned to my work colleagues that I had taken up shooting and their response was a look of fear and instant distrust.

They now (jokingly) percieve me as the flakey one who has access to weapons because I have an interest in ballistics and attempting to read wind directions!

It did peeve me when they first commented on "why" I wanted to shoot, usual questions like "Do you also hunt animals for fun?" "If we upset you, will you come into work with a gun?"

It really shocked me how narrow minded and completely irrational they behaved - fear culture at its best :(

Ah well what can we do :roll:

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#6 Postby CodeBasher » Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:32 am

Tell people you could never harm an animal , you took up shooting to improve your sniping skills. :lol:

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#7 Postby johnk » Sat Jun 12, 2010 11:11 am

Tell them they should worry about their spouse buying a silenced pistol on the black market & topping them with it, not somebody ready to declare their bone fides by abiding by the law.

Lynn Otto
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#8 Postby Lynn Otto » Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:06 pm

actionclear wrote: I find the response I get from people when I tell them I shoot is quite amusing. (I am female) Usually they take a step backwards. As if I have suddenly grown an extra head right before their eyes.

I usually make them relax, by telling them i left my rifle in the car.LOL

Try shopping for a new car and telling the salesman you need the rear seats to lay down perfectly flat so you can put your rifle case in. Perhaps it was because I'm female but it really made their eyes pop. :D

Eicharsto, welcome to the sport, about the only one where age, gender and socio economic status have little impact on your ability to compete and have fun. Equipment can range from quite economical to extravagently expensive and mostly the degree of success is down to the person with their finger on the trigger.

Enjoy yourself.


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#9 Postby BATattack » Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:50 am

once you get settled in at your club. the best thing to do with those doubters at work is to acctually bring them to the range and show them exactly what you have seen :lol:

that way they mite start to see the differents between a redneck with a illegal gun shooting signs etc and us bunch of ballistic "nerds"! also when you trade stories about the weekend they might have some idea about how hard it is to shoot that 50/50!

good luck mate :D

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#10 Postby teddywaddy » Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:26 pm

Good on you Eicharsto,you will have a great time in the sport & yes there are lots of awesome people who are very friendly & helpful.

There is nothing like drilling down those bullets & hitting the centre, pure self satisfaction & I miss it at the moment.

Good shooting!!!!!!!!

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