F Class Pennants

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F Class Pennants

#1 Postby jlorimer » Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:15 pm

Happy new year to you all.
If you look on page 59 of issue 60 of the 'Australian Target Rifle' you will see a photograph of the winners of the first Intra District F Class Pennants Conducted by the NQRA. The winning side from Far North Queensland, consisted of :L-R Stew Mowat; Peter Smith; John Baxter; Barry Ellis; Peter DeKroon. The competition combined both F open, and Standard Class, and was shot on the Full Bore target at all ranges. Why I brought this matter up. is because I think what we are looking at here is history in the making for F Class.

The matches were all coached, and run to time limits, and all F class teams finished on time. There was no Them or us, and all shooters got on well together. My congratulations to the first F Class Pennant winners, as a team they shot superbly. Coaching was not a problem, as first thought, and yes! as in full bore, coaches made mistakes and blew some shots out.

A few snippets: The two standard Class shooters, under coaching, were up with the F Open scores. Conditions were pretty severe, and nobody achievied a score of 60, on any range. Three of the five competitors, had disabilities, and were allowed to shoot off tempory tables, and still finished before time.

WHO SAID IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN? The Pennant Flags and the smiles on the faces say different.

I think this is a first for F Class, but I might be wrong, has any other State Body included F Class in their District pennants.

Keep 'em in the Super V. John Lorimer

Tony Q
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#2 Postby Tony Q » Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:24 pm

Good to see John and congrats to all who took the time to organise and participate.

For reference .. see the following in the EVENTS section of this forum '1st Sanctioned S.A. DRA F Class Team Shoot.'
MBRC F-Class standard ... and proud of it!


#3 Postby Guest » Tue Jan 03, 2006 6:51 am

John Lorime,

Well done up there in NQ,
We at Castlemaine have shot F Class in our #4 dra pennant for the last two years.
This year we hope to have at least one more team maybe two.

Barry Davies

Lynn Otto
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#4 Postby Lynn Otto » Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:02 am

Hi John

Like Barry, the SA #4/5 DRA has had F Class teams in their pennant matches for the last two years, but it won't happen on an all of state basis until March of this year.

I had looked at the photo when the mag arrived but didn't realise it was a momentous occasion, well done to all concerned.

Cameron Mc
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#5 Postby Cameron Mc » Tue Jan 03, 2006 9:43 am

Great to read some positive news.

I was wondering where Stew Mowat got to.

Good one, Cameron

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Intra District F Class Pennants

#6 Postby jlorimer » Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:48 am

Thanks for the replies. it is good to see that other state bodies are recognising F Class, for what it is : A Shooting Discipline.

I would dearly like to see the State Bodies go a step further, and run an F Class Champion of Champions shoot off at their Queens events. The NQRA have been doing this for the last three years, at their Queens, for both Open and Standard Classes. If all the state bodies did this, then we could push the NRAA for a National F Class Champion of Champions event to be held in conjunction with the National TR Class Champion of Champions event.

I think I might put this to our State Body, and see if the NRAA would be interested. How about you all out there doing the same, who knows, in 2007 we might have F Class Champion of Champions. :P :P :P
Keep 'em in the Super V. John Lorimer


#7 Postby Guest » Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:09 am

John Lorimer,

Vic conducted a FS champ of champs last year for first time--from memory there were 7 competitors.

Yes It's here to stay and I agree in the concept of a national Cof C in both FS and FO. and why not?

Barry Davies

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#8 Postby AlanF » Tue Jan 03, 2006 12:17 pm

Congrats John.

Something else which may be of interest to clubs and associations running teams shoots :

Many clubs don't have sufficient numbers in all categories to field 4 person teams, and this situation will probably continue. In the Gippsland RA, we are trialling a system which allows teams comprising a mixture of the 3 main categories (TR, FS and FO). My own club normally fields 1 TR, 2 FS and 1 FO. It has been made possible with the use of a score standardisation system which I developed a couple of years ago, and have been refining since then. It has now reached a stage where for any range (metric or imperial) and target type (FB or Champ), any score can be assigned a "Mixed Category Index" (MCI), which can be compared directly with all other scores, regardless of whether TR, FS or FO. The basis of the system is too long-winded to explain here, but in short, it relies on statistical comparisons of performances between the 3 categories at recent Queens shoots. It probably isn't precise enough to be used for important individual competitions, but has a sound mathematical basis, and is a great way of including in teams events people who would otherwise be left out. I hope to publish a comprehensive description in ATR 62 (one after next), and have easy to use lookup tables available for download from ozfclass.com at that time. This should make it available in time for next season's Pennant events if required.


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Champion of Champions F Class

#9 Postby jlorimer » Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:52 pm

Good one Barry. That makes two state bodies doing F Class Cof C. Trevor anybody in S.A. pushing for C of C for 2006? and Matt what about N.S.W.and A.C.T?. Barry can you ask around in Brisbane?. I think if we start the ball rolling now, we just might have the numbers for 2007. Let's do it!

Alan, the way to go. At present we don't have sufficent numbers to field two divisions for F Class teams shoots at most prize shoots around the Country, and in N.Q. we have been using open and F standard combined for five man teams at the last three OPM's. this usually gives us three to four teams, and we shoot in conjunction with the TR teams. From past matches, we found all F Class competitors wanted to shoot in the teams events, and the matches are hotly contested. I like the concept of the TR and F Class Combined scores. With some of the small clubs losing TR membership, the combining of classes would be the only way some clubs could compete in intra DRA teams events. Alan I feel your program will surely be investigated by all the State Bodies. 8) 8) 8)
Keep 'em in the Super V. John Lorimer

Lynn Otto
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#10 Postby Lynn Otto » Tue Jan 03, 2006 8:31 pm

Hi John

Trevor is not due home for a while yet but I will pass on your question. I can tell you that at a previous Council meeting, he handed out a copy of Alan's write up on his system to all the SARA delegates to take back to their DRAs for discussion, so people here are aware of how it works (assuming they read it :wink: ). He did get some positive comment from a few about it.

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C of C F Class

#11 Postby jlorimer » Tue Jan 03, 2006 9:41 pm

Happy New Year Lynn, and Thanks for the reply.
Keep 'em in the Super V. John Lorimer

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