Media Separators

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Media Separators

#1 Postby Blindbat » Wed Oct 05, 2022 6:00 pm

It's time for me to speed up the process of removing steel pins but I would like something that not only works well but also will not need replacing this time next year.

So what's good, what's bad and what's downright ugly?

Tim L
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Re: Media Separators

#2 Postby Tim L » Fri Oct 07, 2022 3:18 pm

I empty my tumbler through a sieve then tip the contents (cases and pins) into half a bucket of water.
Give it a swirl to rinse them off . Pull them out 2 or 3 as a time and shake, neck down, under the water, to get any pins out. Tap them on a towel to get any other pins out, and lay them out to dry.
Water tension is enemy number one, hence emptying the cases under water. Sharp ended pins are enemy number 2, don't use them. They can and do wedge themselves in pretty firmly.
Check number 3 occurs at the annealer where a quick glance down the neck spots any hangers on.
Even with all this I've found at least 3 pins sitting in the bottom of the annealer (thats 3 out of thousands of cases) so check 4 is after priming (not during because a high velocity primer spider in the eye strikes me as pretty undesirable). I do it when all the cases are all neatly in a row, necks up for inspection.
If you're looking for a quick, easy way my advice is, don't.
I don't know what would happen if I sent one down the barrel and I don't THINK I ever have, but I guess I'll never know.

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