
Get or give advice on equipment, reloading and other technical issues.

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Simon C
Posts: 422
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2005 9:43 pm
Location: Adelaide


#1 Postby Simon C » Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:31 pm

Hi all,

I'm looking to get people's opinion on rifle cleaning. As with many things in our sport, there is a myriad of variation and reasoning (most having some form of psychological foundation) behind why we all choose to do things a certain way. E.G. We have accomplished FB shooters at our club who clean their rifle every 300rnds as they shoot better filthy

Personally, I thoroughly clean my rifle after every shoot and allow for the 1st cold/clean bore shot being high by ~0.5moa. Recently, I have also got into the habit of pushing a few patches of Butch's Bore Shine thru it between details followed by an oiled patch to neutralise any solvent then clean patches to dry it out. I have taken to doing more out of good habit and with rifle care in mind.

Not sure if there are any negative aspects attributed to my procedure and would appreciate other points of view on the subject.
"Aim small, miss small"


Chris B .


#2 Postby Chris B . » Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:03 pm

Hi Simon, everyone has an idea on this one. i clean at the end of the day Butches BS leave it in for a beer or 2 clean out and oil (2 drops).
On a test done on the 6mmBR site someone didn,t clean for a whole shoot, some 274 rounds, and the best group was the last.

Simon C
Posts: 422
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2005 9:43 pm
Location: Adelaide

#3 Postby Simon C » Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:12 pm

Its wierd isnt it?? Although I reckon it is hard to appraise a days worth of shooting though......there are too many variables like wind variations, temp etc.
"Aim small, miss small"


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