No Oil Lube For Neck Turning & Expanding

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No Oil Lube For Neck Turning & Expanding

#1 Postby jasmay » Tue Apr 11, 2023 5:50 am

I have been experimenting with the new No Oil Lube for neck turning cases, after now turning and expanding close to 1000 cases with amazing results I’ve decided to put a few units in stock.

Prior to this Lube, I was using a cutting compound that needed me to wash the cases to remove residue, I found the promised no need to clean a bit too good to be true but had to find out for myself. The key is to ensure you let the lube dry properly, overnight, or a few hours in the sun, you could probably accelerate it in a warm oven like some people do to dry their cases. Once dry load and shoot.

The biggest gain however is the quality of the cut when you are neck turning, whether you are using a 21st century lathe, K&M setup or an IDOD the results are an improved surface finish.

Really great stuff. ... -oil-lube/

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