NRAA Elections for Director Positions - Nov 2nd

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NRAA Elections for Director Positions - Nov 2nd

#1 Postby bobped » Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:31 pm

Hi All,
A couple of pieces of news.
The 3 year term of 2 of the NRAA Directors is up at the end of this year, and their positions are up for election.

The way to nominate for these positions for interested people is a little complicated. The Chairman of each State Association (or their nominated representative) will attend the AGM and vote. These are the people who also nominate people for election and the nomination must be seconded by the Chairman/Representative of another State. The NRAA has circularized all State Associations calling for nominations along with the nomination form. Anyone can nominate. You don't have to be a member of a State Council or Board.
To put this in its simplest terms, if you are interested, get in touch with a State Association, asking them if they will nominate you, then get in touch with another Association asking them to Second you. It doesn't have to be your own State Association nominating you, and a State can nominate or second as many people as they like. There is a form to get and fill out with all the appropriate signatures. Your State has this.
Its a difficult and clumsy process, but that's how it is.

A Second piece of news.
I have resigned as an NRAA Director as at 6th September 2018. This was two years into my 3 year stint. Under the terms of the NRAA Constitution they must call for nominations for this vacancy at the next AGM, which of course is 2nd November. My resignation was done in time for this to happen. Therefore there should be three (3) vacancies for election.
One of my reasons for resigning is some personal and health issues and the other is I believe that the NRAA should get younger members onto the Board.

Nominations are due with the NRAA by Sept. 29th. Contact your State Association for forms and more details.

Bob Pedersen

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Re: NRAA Elections for Director Positions - Nov 2nd

#2 Postby AlanF » Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:40 pm


Congratulations on being one of the best Board members of recent times. Not only have you been the main advocate for F-Class, but your work in the Rules and IT areas has made a real difference across the whole organisation. You can hang up your boots in the knowledge that your considerable efforts are greatly appreciated.


Peter Hulett
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Re: NRAA Elections for Director Positions - Nov 2nd

#3 Postby Peter Hulett » Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:23 pm

Thank you Bob. You really did make change happen for the good of our sport.

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Re: NRAA Elections for Director Positions - Nov 2nd

#4 Postby DannyS » Sat Sep 08, 2018 7:56 am

I’ll second Alan’s and Peter’s comments. Thanks Bob for your efforts.
You might as well be yourself, everyone else is already taken.

Tim N
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Re: NRAA Elections for Director Positions - Nov 2nd

#5 Postby Tim N » Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:34 am

Hi Bob,
For anyone interested in becoming a director on the NRAA can you give an outline of what is involved and an approximate commitment in time per week?
We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training. Archilochos 680-645 BC

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Re: NRAA Elections for Director Positions - Nov 2nd

#6 Postby basil » Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:28 pm

Thank you Bob.

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Re: NRAA Elections for Director Positions - Nov 2nd

#7 Postby bobped » Tue Oct 02, 2018 5:16 pm

Sorry about being so long in replying to Tim. Been away and I've only just seen Tim's request. The good news is that as far as I'm aware there are at least three F Class Shooters that have nominated for the Board. Great! Get out and lobby your State Councils for them. Councils should be able to direct their Chairpersons who attend the AGM how to vote.
The NRAA Board meets 4 time per year. Each time its in Brisbane at the NRAA Office there. Usually each Board Meeting was for one day, but recently they have decided to meet for 2 days each time. One day meetings were always a bit rushed, and after each Director had reported on their Portfolio, there was not enough time to look at and discuss "big picture" stuff, like:- "What things should we be looking at to improve the whole movement?" - and - "How can the NRAA improve its methods of operation, improve communication to shooting members, etc, etc."
Each Director has a portfolio - Competitions, Rules, Treasurer, Info Technology and Membership. Mostly your portfolio work would only take up 3-5 hours per week, unless there was something special happening.
To attend meetings, your airfares, accommodation and meals are paid. Hopefully the decision to hold 2 day meeting will allow the Directors to address more of the "Big Picture" items and improve the value of the Board for all members.
Bob Pedersen

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Re: NRAA Elections for Director Positions - Nov 2nd

#8 Postby DannyS » Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:17 pm

Hi Bob, so how much does it cost to hold 4 Meetings a year, given that Directors airfares etc are covered.

It seems to me that so many things can be dealt with via modern technology.

You might as well be yourself, everyone else is already taken.

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Re: NRAA Elections for Director Positions - Nov 2nd

#9 Postby GSells » Tue Oct 02, 2018 9:08 pm

For what it is worth , thank you for your service and has been greatly appreciated .
Regards Graham Sells .

Tim N
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Re: NRAA Elections for Director Positions - Nov 2nd

#10 Postby Tim N » Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:14 am

Hi Bob
Thanks for the info
Good news that some have nominated for your position.
Can you name names?
I think the face to face meetings are a good idea if there’s real progress and they aren’t just a talkfest
Possibly they could be reduced to 2 per year and do the others via a group chat as suggested.
We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training. Archilochos 680-645 BC

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Re: NRAA Elections for Director Positions - Nov 2nd

#11 Postby ajvanwyk » Wed Oct 03, 2018 9:26 pm

Dear all,

I have been nominated to the position of Director on the NRAA board. My intention in this post is to provide you with a brief overview of my thoughts and the future of our movement.

Key topics of importance to me are, Membership growth & retention, Range Security and Equal Opportunity

Let me start by stating that I do not believe that we are a movement in strife, we are however a movement at an inflection point, the options and direction of which need clear analysis and well considered actions.

I believe that for our future success we need to start by understanding our member composition and clearly defining our “product”. What do we offer over other shooting sports, what makes us unique, what are our strengths and why do shooters gravitate towards us? Why do they choose to join or not join us?

What are the pathways for shooters to come into our sporting movement and how do we provide them with the development, clarity and opportunity of moving from a social and infrequent participant, to an active competing member. Likewise, how do we retain and serve those members that have no ambition to ever represent a state or national team?

If we consider membership growth and retention, these topics cannot be discussed without having the local club front of mind. The local club is the face of the movement and is quite often the first introduction that a new shooter has with our sport. It is here that the NRAA need to enable state bodies and clubs with the frameworks, strategies and defined messaging to clearly articulate the value we offer. It is also the local clubs that hold the key to range security. Their growth and success make the retention of ranges an almost foregone conclusion, however, the NRAA need to support these efforts with lobbying at the highest levels.

Communication is key to our future success. This does not only mean communication with members (although this needs significant improvement) but additionally communication with a much broader audience. Clear strategies on frequency, content and placement of communications need much consideration. We must make shooters aware of our value, reinforce the benefits we offer and lure them in to join our movement. Only by being proactive, adopting new content management & communication platforms will this approach be feasible. The measure of our successes will be intrinsically linked to the depth & breadth of our communication.

To deliver against these items, I will draw on my 20+ years of experience, managing and growing businesses across three different countries. As a shooting organisation, we may be different in many ways, however, all these principles remain very relevant.
I will deliver strong governance, ensuring transparency and accountability to all members and I will drive a culture of future thinking and inclusion so that we can unlock our true potential while respecting and honouring our past.
Rosedale Rifle Club
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Re: NRAA Elections for Director Positions - Nov 2nd

#12 Postby williada » Wed Oct 03, 2018 10:13 pm

So glad the movement has attracted you Albert. We need people with your integrity, people skills, drive, quality experience and qualifications. Thank you indeed for putting your hat in the ring.

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Re: NRAA Elections for Director Positions - Nov 2nd

#13 Postby AlanF » Thu Oct 04, 2018 1:22 am

Great to see you putting your hand up Albert. Your presence on the Board will inject some much needed enthusiasm, energy and optimism.

To all, there is work to be done. If there are several F-Class nominees then we have an opportunity (at last) to get fair representation at Board level. Let's not blow it.

As we find out who is nominating, we can lobby on their behalf where it matters i.e. our own State and Territory Association (STA) Councils. The way it works is that one STA nominates and another STA must support it. Then at election time, all STAs vote.

So for Albert, who was nominated by the VRA and seconded by the TRA, we need to lobby other STA Councils to support him. So if you are keen to see Albert on the Board, then you can help to get him there by saying so to your own STA, whether you're in WA, NT, NSW, SA, Qld, Nth Qld or ACT. Every phone call or mention to your STA will increase his chances.

Let's keep this on the boil.

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Re: NRAA Elections for Director Positions - Nov 2nd

#14 Postby ShaneG » Fri Oct 05, 2018 4:15 pm

I second what has been said already Albert!
It is fantastic that you have nominated and I know your enthusiasm will produce positive results for all of our members!
I am only a small voice up here but have made it known to some people and hope that our NQRA will support by voting for your election to the board!

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Re: NRAA Elections for Director Positions - Nov 2nd

#15 Postby AlanF » Fri Nov 02, 2018 6:36 pm

\:D/ \:D/ :-" :-" :lol: :lol:

We have two new F-Class members voted onto the NRAA Board.

Congratulations CRAIG MCGOWAN and ALBERT VAN WYK =D> =D> =D> =D>

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