What's with all these polls?

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Tony Z
Posts: 202
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What's with all these polls?

#1 Postby Tony Z » Thu Aug 25, 2005 9:09 am

edited 15/11/05
Last edited by Tony Z on Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#2 Postby AlanF » Thu Aug 25, 2005 11:28 am


As far as falling in line with FCWC rules (which I presume is what you are referring to), of course there would be advantages which we are well aware of. But how many of us will get to compete in a FCWC? And for those who do, we can soon arrange practice events in the leadup to these events where we use the same rules, targets etc. Regarding equipment, F-Std is not applicable to FCWC anyway, and most of our members are F-Std shooters.

For F-Open equipment, there is probably some merit in what you say, but from what I have seen, there is little or nothing that is being proposed up to now which is outside of the 2005 FCWC rules.

In any event, the NRAA is not obliged to conform with the FCWC, nor should they if the rules are unacceptable to the majority of Australian shooters. After all, probably 99.9% of all F-Class shooting by Australians will be done according to Australian rules, whatever they turn out to be.

I'm not sure who you are referring to as the "big 17", but our poll results will be submitted to the group that will be meeting in November to discuss these issues, and we are confident that they will be given due consideration for what they are, which is the majority wishes of ozfclass.com members.

You make some fair points, although I would call it more destructive criticism than constructive. We look forward to some more positive input from you.


Tony Z
Posts: 202
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#3 Postby Tony Z » Thu Aug 25, 2005 12:33 pm

edited 15/11/05
Last edited by Tony Z on Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 7502
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Location: Maffra, Vic

#4 Postby AlanF » Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:14 pm

Tony Z

Well, until I get a clear indication that F-Class is being mis-managed by the NRAA, I prefer to give them the benefit of the doubt. There are compelling advantages, particularly at club level, for F-Class to be closely integrated with Target Rifle shooting. If F-Class is under-represented at the top level of the NRAA, then we need to make that known in an appropriate and respectful manner. To me, having proportional representation of shooting categories is probably equally important as having proportional representation of States.



#5 Postby Guest » Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:45 pm

Dear Shooters
I am not saying that we are being miss-managed, but rather we are not currently represented proportionately to the numbers of F Class shooters versus the numbers of TR shooters. F Class has seen a large membership increase to some areas like Townsville for example, where John Lorimer has worked hard to get people on that line and shooting no matter what they have got. A quiet achiever.
History has shown me that this association has often been slow or maybe unwilling to allow changes to creep in. They probably have a really good reason for this but explinations i have heard have left me often perplexed. There is a situation of a very small group of very conservative people up the top making judgements for the rest of us. I guess what i am trying to say is that F Classers, while becoming numerous and with little or no representation at the top level, have virtually no say. Rome was not built in a day and with time F Class will get it's fair share. I here some of you say "but we've got numbers". Democracy does not play a part in all this. If you do'nt believe me then get onto your club and have a read of our constitution. If you ca'nt get a copy from your club then you can get a copy from the Department of Fair Trading. Have a read and tell me if you think it is anything like truly democratic.
I stand by what i said earlier. The International Rules will be adopted in 2006 and FS will be appendaged to them in the form of status quo.
Tony Z
ps By laws will not be held by the Department of Fair Trading as there is no legal requirement to do so.

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#6 Postby AlanF » Thu Aug 25, 2005 4:24 pm


Let's say your prediction is correct, perhaps from the F-Open point of view it may not be a bad thing. I'm not aware of any restrictions that would render F-open equipment illegal, except perhaps weight(?) - there may be things which some might find too unrestrictive e.g. vertical adjustment of rear rest. So, perhaps in anticipation of this, we should run a poll to find out if our F-Open members have any problems with the FCWC rules. Then we could make a submission based on that.

For F-Std on the other hand, it will still be appropriate for us to express our preferences on all aspects, so the polls can be of use there.

On the subject of representation of F-Class, it would be very useful if we had a member of this forum at the upper levels of the NRAA. Ken Larkham, if you're reading this, I'm not sure exactly where you sit, but you obviously have access to some good information. Are you able to comment on what will be considered at this November meeting, and what might be good strategy for us in relation to our polls?


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#7 Postby bully_eye » Thu Aug 25, 2005 4:58 pm

International F-class rules have a 10kg weight limit so we would have an extra kg up our sleeves.


FWIW I would welcome the international rules but keeping the champ target.

bruce moulds
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#8 Postby bruce moulds » Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:43 pm

hi all,
i have axes to grind with the nraa bigtime, but the bottom line is that they (the big 13?) started the sport which has become a great part of my life.
one thing this website has made clear to me is the need to move forward positively rather than pull down what we already have.
my previous posts could have appeared negative, & future ones might express frustration, but i hope to do it in a constructive manner.
i now accept that the nraa are not out to get us, but are doing their best in their own way.
to wear their shoes for a a short time, i am not sure i would seek advice from a divided lot like us, particularly when ,like me , anyone can change coats as they learn more.
i also now see that we will have to go through a lot of pain before it gets better. lets hope that the nraa & state bodies can hang in until we reach nirvana
perhaps this should be a new subject-at the decision of the webmaster

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#9 Postby AlanF » Thu Aug 25, 2005 11:00 pm

=D> I'm with you all the way on that Bruce. We have nothing to gain from NRAA bashing. They're doing what they can with limited resources and a lot of voluntary time, and having to cope with a rapidly changing environment.



#10 Postby Guest » Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:16 am

Dear Shooters
It is good to see that a few of you are seeing that we need to get a road map to get to where we want to go. Your right in saying that N.R.A.A. bashing will get us nowhere. It is not my intention to bash anyone here, but rather to stop a few of you in your tracks and have a think for a minute and come up with a step by step procedure to deliver a workable proposal to the right people. Attempts of change i have seen in the past have failed before they even got started mainly due to the bull at the gate approach used. There are people out there that are a lot smarter than me that know the right path to choose. All i can say to you is some of the paths not to go down. Delivering a set of statistics that are marginal at best, mainly due to small participation numbers, will in my opinion not give us a desired result. A few years ago the NQRA sent out a questionaire to every member with some very positive outcomes which has led to changes, though not directly in the rules department, to the way the sport is conducted up there. I personally think that those results have greatly assisted John Lorimer and the TMRC commitee in staging many successful F Class events. I don't know if a questionaire would be feasable for the whole of Australia, but i do believe broader numbers are needed to firstly give us all a general direction of what is out there, then secondly make an acceptable proposal and have it presented in an acceptable way.
Tony Z

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