International & National F-Class Records

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International & National F-Class Records

#1 Postby IanP » Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:04 am

These are the top scores being shot in the USA and GB just follow the links to see what we may be up against at the upcoming World F-Class Championships.

USA here:
GB here: ... Itemid=113

In collaboration with Linda and Rod I have set up our own Australian National F-Class Records website here:

Please claim any National Records shot at our National Championships (Queens) coming up very soon. National and State F-Class Championships are eligible as are all NRAA approved State Open Prize Meetings.


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National Register

#2 Postby bartman007 » Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:55 pm

Great job Ian.

Now all we need is some decent scores to go in there.

Or should we wait till after Raton We don't want them to know how good the Ozzies actually are 8)

It seems they value the shots a little differently to us.

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#3 Postby IanP » Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:27 am

Thanks for the encouragement on National Records! Not only are the scores different with USA using 100.10 but you will notice that both the USA and GB use imperial, yard measured ranges.

The Australian records use the NRAA scoring of 60.10 but to convert to the USA system to compare scores just add 40 to our score. Then our system of 60.10 plus 40 equals 100.10.

The National Records cover single stage scores of 10 and 15 shots rounds and also cover two combined single stage scores (shot at same event on same day) which cover 20 and 30 shot records. This when you consider in Australia we shoot on both imperial and metric ranges means we have a lot of records to be claimed.

Checkout the website and if you have any constructive ideas or criticisms please let us know!


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#4 Postby IanP » Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:33 pm

The first National Records have been received from Rod Shehan in WA and he has claimed 4 F-Open records shot last year with his 260 Inch. Thanks Rod for kick starting the records.

Rod also suggested aggregate National Records for the big shoots. I have taken this suggestion on board and will include National and State Championships (Queens) for both individual and team scores. Please claim a record if you are lucky, (skilled) enough to shoot one!


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#5 Postby IanP » Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:43 am

We have our first State Championship (NT Queens) Record claimed in F-Open by Casey Bland.

Well done Casey, and its great to see NT F-Class shooters kicking off our National Records register!


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#6 Postby Tman » Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:31 pm

Great idea guys!!

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#7 Postby IanP » Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:39 pm

I have posted a couple of new FO records, (congrats Graham Phillips) up on the Records Website look here:

It seems the FO shooters are the only ones claiming record scores! Come on all you FS shooters, get your claims in and start giving us all something to gauge how high the scores can be.

Anyone shooting a 60.10 (or max score in any category) will have their record in place permanently on the website. Record scores under the max possible score will be superseded as higher scores are claimed.

Its early days yet for F T/R but if you shoot a score that is up there, then make the claim and get it registered. These scores will be a gauge as to how we advance in the coming years but we need to encourage even the most modest shooter to submit a claim if the score has merit!


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#8 Postby DaveMc » Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:30 am

Great work and congrats to those that have shot the scores.

Is there any room for putting scores in without a claim such as Rod Mahons 60.10's in Vic and Mackay Queens? And Bob Pederson at the Nationals??
Personally I don't think it will take long to fill the board with 60.10 and 60.9 scores (most ranges have already been shot at that level) but it might be hard to get all those that shoot them to fill out the claim form???

Perhaps a nomination plus confirmation protocol?? Maybe a second form?
And some way of challenging if necessary?

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#9 Postby IanP » Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:56 am

DaveMc wrote:Ian,
Great work and congrats to those that have shot the scores.

Is there any room for putting scores in without a claim such as Rod Mahons 60.10's in Vic and Mackay Queens? And Bob Pederson at the Nationals??
Personally I don't think it will take long to fill the board with 60.10 and 60.9 scores (most ranges have already been shot at that level) but it might be hard to get all those that shoot them to fill out the claim form???

Perhaps a nomination plus confirmation protocol?? Maybe a second form?
And some way of challenging if necessary?

Interesting comments Dave and also much appreciated input for a nomination form. It is something I will act on and post a second form on the website. This will allow any registered NRAA shooter or club official to notify the National Records Register and claim the record on behailf of the shooter.

Thanks for your idea, it has real merit and will enable us to capture records that would otherwise remain unclaimed. I'll post back here when the form is available!


Lynn Otto
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#10 Postby Lynn Otto » Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:39 am

This process would require someone to get approval from the person in question or you would be breeching their privacy rights. Some may just be too modest or not particularly care to nominate themselves but some may not desire their names to be on the list. You may leave yourselves open if you do not check with the person, this is why I am always very careful about using people's actual names in posts if they do not use their name themselves.

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#11 Postby DaveMc » Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:07 am

Interesting Lynn and maybe you are riight? I am not sure but merely open this up for discussion: -The fact that their names and scores are published in the results anyway may negate it ?? (not sure but think there is some waiver in all NRAA competitions)

I personally also would feel a bit strange claiming a record when I knew someone had done better (although understand the process needs to start). But I would feel wrong claiming a 60.9 at 900 say when I know someone (who now on shall remain nameless!) has had a 60.10. Quite simply the 60.9 is not a record even if the owner of the 60.10 doesn't want their name in lights. I do believe the fact they have entered the competition means they have forfeited their right to remain annonymous though but may need clarification/endorsement from the NRAA?

???????? As I said not sure but interested.

And all of the above does not exclude the nomination protocol from having an acceptance section but would mean more work for those involved.

Lynn Otto
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#12 Postby Lynn Otto » Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:30 pm

Dave, firstly I believe both the gentlemen you mentioned do use their names so no prob with us using them. :D I'm not trying to be a stick in the mud but we often do things with the best of intention without realising that there can be consequences we are unaware of.

While we don't actively give permission when we enter competition it is commonly understood that results will/may be published by the organising body, especially for something like the Queens, we therefore by default give our permission. However the site that these records are published on is privately owned and publicly accessible, they are not a part of the NRAA, therefore do not automatically receive our permission to publish our private details. I doubt it's an issue but it only takes one person to take exception to the activity to cause problems for the individuals who own the site. This sort of thing almost seems null and void these days with easy internet access but the law has yet to catch up with contempary activity. I wouldn't want to see Ian or anyone else have problems when there is an easy remedy to any possible issues, which is why I raised it. :) I think if the organising body provided the information then it would not be a problem as they would have the right to choose where and how they publish results (for example when clubs provide results to this website) but I'm not certain of this without checking. Anyway just something to keep in mind.

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#13 Postby AlanF » Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:36 pm

DaveMc wrote:The fact that their names and scores are published in the results anyway may negate it ??.

Agree with you entirely Dave. If someone is prepared to trawl through all published results, then good on them. It probably does need some sort of disclaimer saying that results are unconfirmed and based on information received in good faith etc.


I also think that Championship records probably need to be related to "Maximum Possible Points" rather than number of stages, because some stages will be different from the normal 10 shots, and shoots can be varied in format from year to year, because of weather etc. .


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Triple possibles

#14 Postby bartman007 » Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:56 pm

Hello Ian,

I notice that there doesn't seem to be a mention of Triple possibles. Is this something that should be added?

It also complicates things, as various prize meetings mix up the 3 ranges held on particular days.



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#15 Postby IanP » Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:08 pm

AlanF wrote:
DaveMc wrote:The fact that their names and scores are published in the results anyway may negate it ??.

Agree with you entirely Dave. If someone is prepared to trawl through all published results, then good on them. It probably does need some sort of disclaimer saying that results are unconfirmed and based on information received in good faith etc.


I also think that Championship records probably need to be related to "Maximum Possible Points" rather than number of stages, because some stages will be different from the normal 10 shots, and shoots can be varied in format from year to year, because of weather etc. .


Alan, maximum points is already covered in the Championship tables, look here:

The National Records Register is an attempt to cover a range of records and is based on the USA records model. We do have considerable differences in what we shoot in Australia and the website is an attempt to cover the scores of interest to all shooters.


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